主 讲 人:Professor Atsumasa Yoshida, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
地 点:机械楼北-415
主 办 方:gg999策略手机白菜机械工程及自动化学院
开始时间:2015-11-02 14:30
结束时间:2015-11-02 16:00
“(1) Introduction of mechanical engineering in Osaka Prefecture University, (2) Topics of environmental heat transfer in urban area and plant factory”
1984 Graduation in Doctor Course in Kyoto University
1984 Assistant in Kyoto University
1992 Associate Professor in Okayama University
2002 Professor in Osaka Prefecture University
His current main field is environmental heat transfer, thermos-physical and radiative properties of materials, and thermo-fluid dynamics in plant factory.)